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Invalid BSB No.

Note: Only applicable for customers in Australia.

If you received the error message 'BSB is not valid', do not panic and start accosting your customer to get the details.

Error message: BSB is not valid


Here are the possibilities of what may had happened.

  1. The customer may have provided you the correct BSB number but our system did not recognise it. Due to banks opening new branches from time to time, we may not have all the BSB numbers in our system records yet.
  2. The customer may have unknowingly provided you an incorrect BSB number.


And so here are the recommended actions for you to take.

  1. Check that the BSB number given to you contains 6 digits.
  2. Check the validity of the 6-digit BSB number.
    The first two digits specify the parent financial institution, the third digit specifies the state where the branch is located and the fourth, fifth and sixth digits specify the branch.
    For example, 033-088 breaks down to:
    03 = Westpac Banking Corporation
    3 = Victoria
    088 = 383 Chapel Street, Prahran
    Here are two websites which you can use to verify the numbers: or
  3. Provide our Customer Support the BSB number so that we can add it to our system.
    Hours: AEST 7am - 7pm Monday to Friday
    Phone: 1300 300 553