You are here: Customers > Add new customer

Add new customer

  1. Select the Customers tab from the top navigation bar and then select Add at the top of the page.
    Add Customer from Customers' page Click image for a bigger view. Click to close.
  2. In the Add Customer page, fill in the details. Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.
    Enter the customer's personal details.
  3. Select a payment plan or complete the customer's direct debit instruction.
    Note: Level 1 user must select a payment plan as access is not granted to customised the debit instruction.
    When you choose a Payment Plan, the rest of the direct debit instruction will auto-populate. Check the details carefully before proceeding to the next step. For instructions on how to add a payment plan, see topic: Create payment plan.
    If none of the payment plans fit your customer's needs, then select No Payment Plan and fill in the direct debit details.
  4. Complete the customer's payment details.
    Note: The available payment methods depends on your business configuration settings.
  5. Complete the terms and conditions.
  6. If you have completed all the required fields, the orange Confirm button will be activated.

    Terms and Conditions Click image for a bigger view. Click to close.


A confirmation message appears at the top of the Customers' page.

Customer added successfully. Click image for a bigger view. Click to close.

Your customer will receive an email from Ezypay detailing the payment instructions.